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© Simply Chateau 2004
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Built at the beginning of the 17th century by the counts of Anglure, the Château soon became famous for the quality of hospitality offered to kings on their way East. Natural fountains and attractive basins add to its charm, and were admired by Louis XIV during his stay there. At the Château, Welcome is not a word, it's a tradition. Champagne and countryside, fire-places and canopied beds. Bicycles, croquet, table-tennis, canoeing, fishing. 1 hour from Disneyland. Whether you wish to dine alone or be seated at your hostess' table, the choice is entirely yours. Savoury regional dishes are always accompanied by a fine selection of wines.

It is possible to row around the château in one of our two row boats, or to fish in the château moat (although we do not provide fishing equipment). Private park of 20 acres. Graciously, at your disposition : four bicycles, croquet equipment, a billiards table, a Ping-Pong table, a salon with a piano, and a playing card table. At your request, we can provide musicians to entertain at your gatherings, or organise a Champagne tasting with a specialist of Oenology (at a cost of 240 francs per person).

- The Reims Cathedral: one of the most beautiful in France, and its museum "Le Thau" where its treasures are displayed. Cost for a guide for the Cathedral usually runs about 450 ff (2 hour visit); while entrance to the museum costs 35 ff.

- Visit to a glassworks demonstration (10 minutes from the Château): watch as a glassworks artist demonstrates his craft for you.

- Visit the Eco-museum (30 min from Château): a renovated 17th Century house which serves to reflect the lifestyle of our society 100 years ago.

- Visit with vineyard owner Monsieur Launois: his cellar , museum of Champagne, and a champagne tasting (35 francs per person). 20 minutes from the château

-Visit with one of the more famous names in Champagne in Epernay (25 min): Mercier, Moet & Chandon, De Castellane, Pol Roger or at Reims (45 min): Roederer, Cliquot, Lanson, Pommery. The majority of visits require a fee (between 25 & 35 ff).

- The Champagne tourist route: follow, across the vines and the wood, the route that crosses through the three principal zones of production: "Cote des Blancs" (the Château is situated in the south of this region), the "Marne river Valley" and the "Mountain of Reims." Discover the diverse monuments of each region (churches, château, villages).

- The Château de Condé in Brie (25 min) and the Château de Montmort (5 min): these two historic monuments are worth the detour.

- "Les Faux de Verzy": about one hour from the Château, in the forest of the Reims Mountain, one finds a beautiful setting under which to study many rare specimen of trees.

- Sports: tennis (15 min), swimming (15 min), horseback riding (15 min), golf (25 min), fishing in a well-stocked pond (10 min).

Total lodging capacity: 40 persons
Total number of rooms: 19

Conferences & Seminars
Working day: Two breaks
A meal (wine and coffee included)
A seminar room with all practical equipment (overhead projector and screen, paperboard, phone, fax)

Semi-residential: The day of study (breaks, a meal, seminar room).
Night in the chateau in single or double room.

Residential: All the previous services + a second meal (wine and coffee included).

Equipment available:
Overhead projector and screen, Paper board, Phone and connections for computers, Fax, photocopy, typing service for mail. TV and video-recorder

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